“A seasoned poet takes the usual and seemingly mundane and with the sharp edges of words in a craftsman’s hand scrapes its surface to reveal the true, the real and all that is finally too astonishing and too beautiful for words. Tim Gillis is a seasoned by-life poet. Take your time and let these scar your senses, pierce you to the depths of your longings and help teach you the truer way to see.”

—Wm. Paul Young, Author of The Shack, Cross Roads, Eve and Lies We Believe About God

What people are saying…



“Spectacular! So heartwarming and inspiring. Some of my most treasured moments are morning time, alone and not rushed, in contemplation. Great comfort, clarity and creativity is able to occur.” (In response to video reading of Evensong poem, The Beginning of Prayer)

Bill Tomoff, US


“In the first few pages I came to 'Imago Dei' and was mesmerized. It was some time before I ventured on to the other poems and then I found 'Are You Strong?'. Two very different but wonderfully rewarding poems."

Erica Howard, Dorset, UK


“I have come to see that joy is all around us if we just open our eyes and be observant of nature, people and ourselves. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to the next round.” (In response to Where to Find Joy)

Jerry Carlson, St. Louis, MO



"These works are incredible. They are giving many the license to bring more of themselves out for the benefit of all with whom they come in contact.”

Bernie Milano, US


“I find myself waiting for your poems on Saturdays. I find them to be a powerful source for reflection and inspiration. Thank you.”

Jorge Asef-Sargent, Arlington, VA


“I just had the opportunity to watch this video today and I see how the timing of being able to pause for a few and listen was so perfect. On a day where there is so much pain in our country right now, this brings a level of peace to my heart. This was so beautiful.”

Cath French, Washington, DC



“What makes Tim’s poems so poignant and beautiful are the sentiments they elicit. His poetry encourages one to contemplate the magnificent little things in life as well as the great mysteries of our shared existence.”

Matt Gries, Atlanta, GA

New Age Hippy

Me: Our managing partner reads poetry and posts it on LinkedIn.

Them: What kind of new age hippy company do you work for?

Me: Big 4 audit firm.

Them: ?!?!?!

Me: I love it!"

Sherryl Dimitry, Washington, DC

Thank You

“Wow. Thank you for this. It’s significant because it affects all of us and so few talk openly about it. Really clear and helpful. Our inner lives are the real drivers. I’ve read research recently that involved people thinking of a voice in their mind and then listening to someone speak. When their brains were scanned, the area that processes speech was almost twice as active when focused on the imagined voice. It’s as if the voices we play in our minds have twice the volume compared to people who actually speak to us. Thank you. Really inspired to listen to you.” (In response to the Evensong poem, No More)

Russell Boulter, Bristol, UK



“I had the time this weekend to browse through your poems in Eyesight, and I am blown away. So beautiful, insightful, oblique, and powerful.”

—Mark Hoffenberg, Washington, DC

Make it stand out.